Friday, August 22, 2008

Apparently Jaws: The Revenge is better than Ryan

Our local TV station WATL 36 has decided in its infinite wisdom that the acclaimed Jaws:The Revenge is a better ratings pull than say, oh, I don't know... Matt Ryan's first start in the Georgia Dome. Stupid layman rational says that Blank, should be able to put his team on primetime, but then again, if I'm not paying full price for a pre-season ticket, I guess I have no excuse. Pass the popcorn, I guess I'm staying up late.

Programming Notes

Thursday, August 21 8:00pm: My Thursday Night Movie: Jaws 3 starring Dennis Quaid. followed by 11Alive News at Ten.

Friday, August 22 8:00pm My Friday Night Movie: Jaws: the Revenge.

Friday, August 22 10:00PM Atlanta Falcons Preseason Football: Falcons vs. Tennessee Titans.

Sunday, August 23 12:00noon (Encore) Atlanta Falcons Preseason Football: Falcons vs. Tennessee Titans

Monday, August 25 Decision House @ 8:00pm & 9:00pm followed by 11Alive News at Ten.

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